10 things that make Scotland pretty special.....

  1. When you are sitting outside at a pub in Scotland, at least two other people from a different table will start a conversation with you!

  2. When you are looking to escape the city hustle and bustle you can jump in your car, drive for an hour and end up here...

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3. When you attend a Scottish Wedding there will most likely be a ‘Ceilidh’. This is a traditional Scottish dance and really adds something special to a wedding!

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4. Scottish people speak a lot of jibberish and for some reason it always sounds like they are saying something friendly! Here are some examples:

Alright Pal - Are you ok friend?

What a bonnie lass - What a beautiful woman

Ken? - Do you understand?

Up-tae? - What are you doing right now?

5. Scottish people LOVE greasy food. You will probably find a great fish supper or bacon butty on every corner in Glasgow!

6. Scottish people are realistic and prepare well for all types of weather conditions! The weather forecast this week is…. rain.

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7. The television was invented by a Scottish person!

8. Scotland’s famous drink ‘irn-Bru’ has it’s own tartan!

9. The Scottish have long enjoyed a reputation for being grumpy, aloof and dour, but a new study suggests they are actually the most friendly people in Britain!

10. We have the Munro’s.The best known Munro is Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in the British Isles at 4,413 feet.

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What do you love about Scotland?