Things are looking up... Jaw Brew Winter Beer!

Mark Hazell’s love for home brewing began long before Jaw Brew was founded but building the business enabled him to show off his brewing abilities and craft beer knowledge. His wife Alison Hazell and son’s are now all involved in the business. Jaw Brew hopes to become a fully circular brewery in the near future. They are certainly on the right path after having introduced a sustainable beer earlier last year called Hardtack. Customers in Milngavie and further afield have shown their admiration for the Hazell family and the Jaw Brew brand and continue to support their endeavors to develop Jaw Brew into a fully sustainable brewery.

2020 arrived and things changed for Jaw brew. The pandemic this year re-shaped the team’s entire strategy. Sales had to be pushed online due to the closure of the Jaw Brew pub and the launch of new brews was brought to a halt. With government regulations changing every other week, the team tried to stay pro-active and plan for the months ahead. Thanks to the family’s support network and Jaw Brew’s loyal customers in Glasgow, Jaw Brew has pulled through and managed to survive through this craziness. This time has highlighted the vulnerabilities of all small businesses and the importance of friends and family.

We are now approaching the end of 2020 (thank god!) and things are really looking up for the team. Jaw Brew beers are flying off the shelves with steady off-trade sales in Milngavie with locals and both overseas customers stocking up for the season.

With days jam-packed already with brewing, tastings, zoom events, shipping, and team meetings, founder Mark and his son couldn’t resist brewing up a Jaw Brew Winter Beer! Mark was keen to make his local customers feel more festive even if they are stuck at home. The winter beer is available in ‘bag and boxes’ to collect from the Milngavie pub. Mixed four-pack of beers are also available online or at the pub. These make for the perfect Christmas gift. Check out some photos below!
